Tuesday Night Dinner 30-Aug-2022

Green salad with blue cheese garlic dressing.

Tomato and mozzarella tart (with garden cherry tomatoes instead of plum), The Complete America’s Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook 2001-2016.

Roast Chicken with Schug (Cook’s Country April/May 2021)

Corn Fritters (America’s Test Kitchen, Season 18)

Tuesday Night Dinner 16-Aug-2022

Salad with garlic blue cheese dressing

Beef Empanadas (Cook’s Illustrated, May/June 2010).

Kansas City BBQ-style cheesy corn (Cook’s Country, August/September 2020). Extra bacon and ham.

“Mixed” Berry Buckle (Cook’s Country, June/July 2020), but with just blackberries from down the road, whipped cream, and blackberry syrup.

Tuesday Night Dinner 9-Aug-2022

47 Cloves of Garlic Pork Roast (Cook’s Country, April/May 2020). Recipe is for 40 cloves, used dried thyme, and only 2 lb roast instead of 3 lb.

Salad with garlic blue cheese dressing.

Boiled corn on the cob.

Garden zucchini (sauteed in bacon grease) with lemon and parmesean cheese.

For dessert, vanilla pudding with fresh picked blackberries, blackberry syrup, whipped cream, and meringue cookies.

Tuesday Night Dinner 19-Jul-2022

Salad with garlic blue cheese dressing

Steakhouse Kebabs (Serious Eats – did different items on different skewers to control cook times, and made a special blend on the side for marinade Chris could eat.

Baked Potatoes with Modernist Cuisine cheese sauce and brocolli and bacon (sweet potato for Chris)

Dessert plan is Umpqua Bordeaux cherry ice cream with fresh blueberries, raspberries, and strawberry jam, magic shell and whipped cream.

Tuesday Night Dinner 5-Jul-2022

Salad with garlic blue cheese dressing and homemade croutons

Brocolli with Modernists Cuisine cheese sauce

Rosemary sage bacon cumin beans

Fried chicken thigh sandwiches with ghost pepper mayonnaise, iceberg lettuce, and tomato on a potato bun (with roasted tomatillo sauce on the side)

Strawberry cake with buttercream cheese icing

Tuesday Night Dinner 28-Jun-2022

Salad with garlic blue cheese dressing

Maple glazed carrot coins

City Chicken (Cook’s Country Dec/Jan 2013)

Almond Flan (The Complete America’s Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook 2001-2016)

We needed extra egg and panko to properly coat the skewers.

Really, really good.


Lemon sweet and sour sauce,

Sour cream with sage, rosemary and lemon

Kinder’s Hot Barbeque Sauce (Reminded Ryan of Burger King)

Mayo, Ketchup, Liqiuid Smoke Special Sauce

Honey Mustard Sauce

Plus the blue cheese dressing and we did not do the ghost pepper mayo since we got distracted.